Brisbane and Toowoomba's leading Buyers Agent for home buyers and property investors
A Buyers Agent is a licensed real estate agent who acts solely to deliver in the best interests of the property buyer whether they are a first homebuyer or an astute investor.
A Buyers Agent represents the buyer in the transaction; they ensure that their client gets the best property, for the best price, under the best conditions.
A Buyers Agent works to protect the buyer and deliver maximum results. In the USA, the market recognises the benefits with an estimated 80% of buyers soliciting the services of a buyer agent to acquire property.
Buyers Agents offer detailed reports to give clients confidence and remove stress.
Buyers Agents professionally handle the whole buying process from search right through to settlement.
In an age of time poor buyers using Property Chase services will save money given their ability to accurately assess the value of the property and to reduce the purchase price accordingly through negotiation.
Key Distinctions between Agents
Traditional agents are paid by the vendor and that is where their duty of care lies.
Seller agents are unable to give impartial advice to buyers without creating a conflict of interest.
Buyer agents only work on your behalf to get the best possible deal for you.